1. Totally European design, streamlined looking, monoblock, welded steel frame rigid to deflection moment and high tensile with ST44 A1 material.
2. The thing that sets our corner notchers apart from other sheet metal equipment out there is our patented blade gap adjustment that allows the operator to cut different thickness without any adjustments needed by the operator. This allows our blades to last longer and gives us a nice burr free cut.
3. Our machines shear with the blades in the negative position as well as the positive position. Which one you use is based on which part you want to keep, the finished part pulled from the machine (best is Negative) or the dropped piece (best is Positive). Negative cut allows for less deformation on the finished part. Negative cutting clamps the sheet metal down so there isn't any movement. Positive cutting will want to move the sheet away from the stops allowing for room for error.
4. The stop guides have dove tail grooves in the tail that allows for a tighter more secure guide setting, allowing our machine more accuracy and repeatability.
5. The shearing head is the most rigid in the industry because we employ a five point fixed head. A stable shearing head is very important to blade life, and machine life when notching heavier plate.